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Placing Lunch Orders

Placing An Order  

1.  To place a food order, visit and login using the username and password that you created for your family.  Returning families will use the same username and password that they have used in previous years. The username is typically your email address.  If you have forgotten your password, there is an option to have your password emailed to you. 

2.  If you have any children just starting out at Eamer’s, you will need to “Register a Child” by checking the box at the bottom of the screen; children who have used the program in previous years should already be listed under your account.  Please update your child's teacher to the current year's afternoon teacher.  Once all children are registered and updated, you are ready to place an order.   

3.  Click on Place An Order For This Child (located beside each child's name) and repeat the following steps for each child.  Select the appropriate month, and then click Next 

4.  Choose the items and quantity you wish to order on the applicable days.  Click Save. Your order for this child will come up with a chance for a final review.  Be sure to check and double check your order BEFORE you click Submit.  If you notice an error AFTER you have submitted the order, please contact the school's office. 

Please feel free to contact the school if you have any trouble getting started.


A few things to note:

·  Send payment to the school clearly marked with your child's name and the month to which your payment is to be applied. 

·  Please send exact change only – change will not be sent home.

·  If paying by cheque, sending one cheque per family is encouraged. 

·  Cheques can be made payable to “ECPS” or “Eamer’s Corners Public School.” 

·  It is always safe practice to make a note in your child’s agenda making reference to the payment on the day that it is sent.

·        The input deadline for online orders is a FIRM deadline.  You will not have access to a month after its deadline has passed.  As well, if payment is not received by the payment deadline, the online order may be cancelled.


No Internet Access in Your Home? No problem!

Not all families have internet access in their homes, so we have made a computer available to parents in the school. We will gladly help you get started. 

Also, you may access free computer services at one of the following sites:

- The Cornwall Public Library (a library card is required); or

- The UCDSB Cornwall Office – located at 1500 Cumberland St

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